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I haven't written anything new in a while so I don't know exactly how to feel or what to expect from this write-up. I really want it to be organized but I think I'm pretty maxed out on that ability so I guess I will just write as it comes.
First, I made a mental note to explore "fields" aside from software engineering(Front-End) and Healthcare(Pharmacy) and I must say it's been a pretty hectic journey as I was indecisive for the better part of the year. It wasn't so easy to make a conscious effort to switch professions, particularly in this part of the country, though I wouldn't know if it's easy elsewhere too.
I went on to explore the field of data, quality engineering and software testing. Through it all, I discovered PRODUCT. Software product management to be precise and I must say that being rooted in "building", learning It's management is thrilling.
This field has introduced me to the Why, What, and How of products, how to organize development from beginning to end(process), identify, examine and collect data(User stories, storyboard, product backlog, story maps). It has taught me how to implement new ideas, prioritize requirements(this I found a bit challenging though cos coming from an engineering background, It is difficult to avoid being detailed since all you think about is corner cases that might not even happen), manage software project scopes by making tradeoffs between competing software requirements, crystallizing product vision, and working closely with my skills as a software engineer to define product specifications.
Also, I've learned to make better tradeoffs between features, schedules, and costs based on relationship to company policies, software architecture constraints, and software development team capabilities.
These and more are what I've been able to put together in three months and I'm actually excited to do more!